So I was my 25 year old self as a student in a grade 3 class doing a math test. The test was pretty easy looking, but my problem was I had two or three students poking and prodding at me with their pencils. I started fooling around with the kids attempting to calm them down (yeah, don't ask how that works). So after a while I'm finally able to get to work on this test when the teacher tells me I have to go down to the office to meet with my sister, Margaret.
When I'm down in the lobby area (just outside the office) I look around me and the room is just full of very young children in the age range of 4-6. I sit at a low-down table with kiddie chairs to wait for Margaret and to do some of that DANG test. I look through the test and knowing that I didn't have a teacher to tell me not to, I used a calculator sitting right next to me. THANK GOD A CALCULATOR! I thought. As I look through the test, the questions go from simple addition to VERY complex theories (that a calculator wouldn't help with! *SHIT!*).
As I'm getting very frustrated with this stupid and seemingly IMPOSSIBLE test, this lady/teacher asks me if I can walk this little boy around because his parents weren't with him and he was upset. I told the lady I couldn't because I have this test to do. When I took yet another stab at the test there was a little boy that sat next to me in tears. I stopped the test immediately and asked what was wrong ( I felt VERY connected to this little boy). He told me that bullies were going to meet him after school and throw rocks at him. At that point the test kinda fell in the background and I decided to stay with this boy.
The boy (I believe he told me his name was Dustin) decided to go to the washroom and I was still sitting at the kiddie table. This lady sat next to me (maybe his mother) and told me I can follow him if I want. So I got up and stood outside the washroom to wait for Dustin. When Dustin came out of the washroom there was a really attractive man waiting for him, I asked the man if he knew Dustin and he said "yeah I do", he seemed quite kind, so I let him go with him. It felt like Dustin was safe from then on.
When I woke up I explained what the man looked like to my real-life husband, Dan, and he told me "So you saw a really white Vin Diesel? LOL I think Vin Diesel IS the best picture I can put to the man I saw, except he was whiter.

I phoned my business partner, Amanda, RIGHT when I woke up because she's quite good at interpreting dreams. The main thing is to pick out the highlights of the dream and ask yourself how YOU felt from each highlight.
I said the highlights were:
-The math test
-The distracting kids in the classroom
-The teacher that told me to go to meet Margaret
-The calculator
-The boy without parents
-The attractive man
Lets start with The math test, I felt like it was easy to begin with. There were questions like 1+4 and 2+3 in the beginning. But with The distracting kids in the classroom I couldn't get anything done!
**Amanda associated the test with my real life work for Tentacle Tarte Studios (which I do get distracted from a lot by family/friend issues)**
The teacher that told me to go to meet Margaret seemed like an authority figure, perhaps my father calling me for help with something. In which case I wanted to take my work, The math test, with me so I could finally get SOMETHING done! The calculator seemed like an easy way out for me. But as soon as I had it, the test became impossible to do!
**Amanda told me that with my real life work for our Studio, there is no easy way out. It's a job that I can't cheat in, it takes hard honest work.**
The boy without parents seemed like yet ANOTHER distraction to me. The lady asked me to walk with him because he was lonely and I couldn't because of my work, I told her specifically that "He was not my child, I'm sorry."
**Amanda told me that this was perhaps someone dumping their troubles on me and I decided to stay focused, I thought that was interesting because it's happened to me in real life recently.**
Dustin was the main thing I felt VERY connected to. He seemed to be in trouble and needed help. I dropped EVERYTHING to help him in any way I could. I was willing to stay with him as long as he needed.
**Amanda told me that Dustin was perhaps ME or my family unit (being Dan and I). He's a symbol of the care that I need to put into myself. It could also be a symbol of myself wanting to start a family and have children. This made sense and was very true to me.**
The attractive man was waiting for Dustin at the washroom. I let Dustin go with this man because he seemed quite kind and willing to help. He was a white man who was tall, muscular, bald and he had very kind blue eyes.
**Amanda told me that this was the feeling I have for the situation I'm in right now. I feel a slight concern for the way things are going (balancing a job and wanting to nurture my relationship/have a family) but I know that things will come in time. I have to say that The attractive man was Dan, taking care of the child while I'm in a mess with things. But all the stress seemed to melt away when that man appeared.**
So that's it I guess! I thought Amanda did a really good job interpreting that dream for me. It felt like the right answer. I think what I learned from this dream is to put more of my energy taking care of myself and my relationship with Dan.
Family comes first!